
Monday, March 10, 2014

The Long-Awaited Rejection

Image by Ryan Lane via Flickr

In my first blog post, I stated that my completed manuscript had been requested by two literary agents. Actually, the last agent request was the third. I don't really count the first one because its been seven months, and I haven't heard anything. Yes, I've followed up – twice. After three months I sent my first follow-up, and I got a response saying that they'd try to get back to me in a month or so. I sent the second follow-up after six months, and I have yet to hear a response. I know this doesn't mean I've been forgotten, or that the agent isn't interested. No news is good news, right? Well, maybe.

I've read where other writers have had similar experiences and finally gotten an offer, or rejection, after a year or more. Depending on the agent's workload, that might have been the best they could do. On the other hand, I've read where writers never received a response at all. Unfortunately, some agents (I'm convinced there are few) rudely keep us hanging until we finally make the decision to move on, leaving a bitter taste in our mouth concerning agent integrity. This can be especially devastating if it's your first agent request, as it was mine. Though, looking back now, I'm glad it happened.

After sending queries to multiple agents, getting rejected, revising my query letter, and querying another batch of agents, finally, someone felt my manuscript was worth reviewing. It feels good to know you're doing something right. On the other hand, my biggest regret was halting my progress – I stopped querying agents. Don't do this! Remember, a manuscript request is not an agent contract. Don't stop querying other prospects, just to get a rejection after four or more months. In a case such as mine, you'd have been waiting seven months, maybe forever. Not to say you'll get a rejection, but odds are, a rejection is more likely. Instead, keep querying, and attract more agent requests. With three now under my belt, I don't fear rejection, I anticipate it.

Share your experience! Have you been a victim of the long-awaited rejection? Maybe the long wait paid off for you. What is the longest you've had to wait for an offer or rejection? What did you do while you waited?

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