
Thursday, April 24, 2014

Waiting… Part 1

Image by Jon Zander via Flickr

Patience. Something most of us wish we had more of. Whether it’s with our children, spouse, co-workers, or just life in general, being patience is a quality we constantly have to work at. All day long I find myself waiting. I wait on the kids to finish breakfast, pick up their toys, or finish a school assignment. I wait on co-workers to reply to my emails or join a meeting. I wait on my husband to finish that project he promised he’d get to a week ago. Now that I’m trying to find success in writing, I’m experiencing even more waiting while I wait on potential agents to reply to my queries.

 It’s hard waiting on others, and often I catch myself thinking that I deserve a quick answer or that others should meet my demands and expectations. What I tend to forget is that I don’t always meet the demands and expectations of others either. Just as I wait for others, other are waiting for me. Maybe you’re someone who always fulfills other’s requests in a timely manner. Maybe you’re always on top of your to-do list, and you’re never late for a meeting or appointment. Maybe that’s you, but that’s not me.

 Although I consider myself to be reliable and responsible, there are times when I, too, keep others waiting. We all have priorities and things we value more than others, so it’s only natural to fulfill requests and finish tasks in the order which we see fit. Unfortunately, in doing this, others have to wait on us. I try to remember this when I get frustrated, and instead of waiting, I try to do something productive. That always makes me feel better. When you think about it, why are we waiting in the first place? There’s always something we can be doing to add value and efficiency to our day.

 Do you find it hard waiting on others? What have you done to improve your patience?

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